Dayan Refael has B.Sc. (Agriculture) and an LL.B.. He established the applied research stations in the Arava Desert & the Arava R&D Station and the Dead-Sea R&D Station. Refael has considerable experience over the last 25 years in setting up worldwide agricultural projects in over 30 countries. Some of his notable projects include; Greenhouses, Poultry, Dairy, Field-crops, Aquaculture, Floriculture and others. Refael is also the founder of the ASTC (Agricultural Services and Training Centers) for developing countries which has had great impact over the last decade for job creation and food security projects that have been implemented in several countries.


VP International Projects
Dror Dayan has a B.Sc. Industrial Engineering & Management and an International M.B.A.
Dror manages worldwide agricultural Turn-Key projects in the fields of: protected cultivation, open fields crops, livestock, dairy farms, poultry, aquaculture and more.
Dror also manages the logistics issues of our projects..

Business Development Africa
Daniel has served as an Israeli diplomat for two decades. He was the Israeli deputy ambassador in Chile, Ireland and South Africa, charge d’affair in South Africa, the Israeli ambassador to Senegal, and the non-residence ambassador to the region.
After serving as a senior policy adviser for the Minister of Foreign Affairs, he retired from the MFA.
He is a specialist in business development in Africa and an advisor for Israeli and international companies.
Daniel is the promoter of poverty alleviation agriculture and water projects, such as the Agriculture Service and Training Center – ASTC; Community Greenhouse Hub for export by smallholder farmers; Agro Edu-Kit program for primary schools etc.

Projects Department Manager

Dan Shamit
Agriculture Project Engineer

general manager - zambia
Dawid has extensive experience in managing agricultural projects including infrastructure preparation, employee management, procurement and logistics.
He is the General Manager of Zambia Project, which is under construction in Luena, Zambia.

ori einhorn
Ori provides a profound understanding of aquaculture development experience, planning and the requirements for implementation.
Over 25 years of experience of end to end production solutions from conceptual planning through detailed design, implementation, post-harvest solutions and management of commercial aquaculture production projects and rural development schemes over the globe.

dairy specialist
Ziv Matalon has a B.A. in Agricultural Economics.
Our lead dairy specialist is the private owner of a 500 milking cow dairy farm with annual yields averaging 12,000 liters per cow. Ziv is also Chairman of a large feed center with an annual production of 150,000 MT of TMR feed for 15,000 cattle head.

Ilan Karmon
General Manager of Sol-Kanaf Ltd. Hasolelim- huge hatching eggs producers in Israel.
He has a M.B.A degree from the Hebrew university of Jerusalem.
He is an expert in all poultry stages: Incubators, mother eggs, layers, broilers, feed mills, slaughter, and poultry meat products.

Ilan Karmon
General Manager of Sol-Kanaf Ltd. Hasolelim- huge hatching eggs producers in Israel.
He has a M.B.A degree from the Hebrew university of Jerusalem.
He is an expert in all poultry stages: Incubators, mother eggs, layers, broilers, feed mills, slaughter, and poultry meat products.

Arye Volk
Agricultural economist
Arue has a M.Sc. in Agricultural Economics and Management from Hebrew University’s Faculty of Agriculture in Jerusalem.
Former CEO of Agridev – Agricultural Development Company International Ltd, and director of the Agricultural Farm Management Department at the Israeli Ministry of Agriculture.
He has acquired extensive experience in agribusiness planning and development in Israel and in various countries around the world.
He is an expert in preparing feasibility studies and business plans, including submittal to banks and international tenders.

VP R&D & Domestic Market
Eran Dayan has a B.Sc. (Agriculture) and a M.B.A.
Eran is an expert in finding the right vegetable varieties for different regions and climates. Eran provides continuous agricultural services to projects and growers around the globe.

Sivan Sofer
Mrs. Sivan is the office manager and operations of Green 2000 Ltd.
Mrs. Sivan is responsible of all the Import and Export activities of the company; including all the logistic and administrative operations.

Ifat Pinhas
Mrs. Ifat is the accounting officer of Green 2000 Ltd.
Mrs. Ifat is responsible of all the monetary and financial business and management of the company, includes international trade, money collections, financial documentation and more.

Ori Migdal
Peat, organic fertilizer and growth substrate manager
Ori has a M.Sc. from Hebrew University’s Faculty of Agriculture in Jerusalem. He is responsible for the development of markets for peat, organic fertilizer and growth substrates.
Ori has many years of experience in vegetable and ornamental plants nurseries, continually advising professional growers with new methods, techniques and agricultural solutions.

Mordechai Serfaty
Agronomist, Sales Manager - North Israel & Jordan Valley
Mordechai has a M.Sc. from Hebrew University’s Faculty of Agriculture in Jerusalem. He grew up on Kibbutz Sde-Eliahu, and has been engaged in agriculture from an early age, particularly field crops: carrots, onions, potatoes, corn, peas, beans, tomatoes for industry, herbs etc – crops for fresh consumption and for industrial processing. He is an expert on acclimatizing varieties of these crops and adapting them to the requirements of the various food processing plants and markets.

Shachar Rassel
Agronomist, Sales Manager - Ramat Negev (Arava & Ramat)
Shachar has a B.Sc. in agriculture (plant protection) from the Hebrew university.
Has a lot of experience in fertilization, plant protection, irrigation, and agrotechnical support for vegetable crops

Itzik Meshulam
Agronomist, Sales Manager - South Israel
Itzik has a B.Sc. from the Hebrew University’s Faculty of Agriculture in Jerusalem and M.A. in business administration and funding.
Itzik specializes in acclimatizing new vegetable hybrids, for field crops and indoors, and briding the gap between hybrid and market demands.
Itzik also has extensive experience and knowledge in growing vegetable seedlings.

Amar Amarna
Operational Manager
Amer is the manager of our vermiculite factory, located in the farm. He is responsible for the farm labourers, manages the stock & plant protection.

Matti Liberman
Vermiculite specialist
Matti is a Mechanical Engineer and is the developer of our compact exfoliate vermiculite machine.
Has experience in vermiculite production and uses.

Uri Ben Bassat
Chief Agronomist – Organi Green
In charge of all agricultural aspects in the Organi Green farm.
From growing all type of crops: vegetables, fruit trees, grapes, to taking care of the animal’s growth and health.
Uri has a long and reach experience in growing many types of agricultural crops in Israel and worldwide, under different climates and circumstances.

Gideon Meir
Organi Green farm Manager
In charge of managing Organi Green farm, on all different aspects:
Managing the farm team and workers, technical operations and maintenance, farm and company’s vehicles and more.
Gideon has a reach experience and knowledge in computer hardware and software, electricity, maintenance and projects management.